Thursday, April 5, 2007

Burram Zohey

Burram Zohey was your ordinary killer, he took money, he asked for a pic, name and address and thats it, didn't bother you much more, infact you would prefer that you never saw him again, he didn't like to do repeat jobs. There was one thing different about him though, he planned his hits in such a way that they seemed like natural or accidental deaths and secondly he had never been arrested, infact nobody could ever recollect having known what he looked like. All that people could recollect was that he had a deep throated voice.

Zarina stepped out of her car, the valet holding the door open for her. A Prada cocktail dress that sat well on her sylvette figure. She had met Johnny Precada five days ago at the spa at the hotel they were putting up at. He was a budding entreprenuer and was all set to change the rules of the game in the telecom industry with the new tchnology that he and his team had invented. She was a risk consultant. She was taken in with his down to earth personality and he with the good insights this pretty lady had given to him as he stepped from being a lab boy to an entrepreneur. Johnny had sent her a handwritten invitation to his what you could call a launch party.

He noticed her entering into the main ball room, his eyes followed her even as he was engrossed in talks with the Secretary of defence, and other business magnates. He managed to excuse himself after ten minutes and stole his way to her. Her eyes met his, she broke away from the group she was talking with as he approached her.

"Evening, nice to see you here, you're looking fabulous."
"Hmmm, who would've known that a lab boy could look so stunning either" she said with her naughty smile.
"Care for a dance?"
"With such a gentleman, how could I refuse"

They danced to the old jazz tunes and they connected. After the third dance he suggested they take a break and she suggested that a little bit of food could do them good. They headed to the bouffet table, he held the plate, she piled on the stuff. Cheese pear canapes, roasted sweet potatoes, grilled bacon and some Fugu.

"You might want to be careful with that, it is not known to be very kind to people" He said as she put the Fugu on their plate.
"Don't worry i'm sure we can handle it, remember I only gave you the idea to put it on the menu, brings some life to the offerings" she quipped

They dug in on the food as they talked. He told her about the small town he lived in by the banks of the Mississipi river as a kid and she told him how she grew up on Alftred Hitchcock movies. She ate most of the bacon letting him greedily dig into the Fugu as they both discussed the good times they had as kids at the Disney land when they had gone there.

After dinner, they had some coffee and then she excused herself. She had to catch a flight out to London that night to meet with a client there.

"It was nice spending the evening with you, you are a charming gentleman"
"And you outdo me by leaps and bounds in that department" he complimented back.

She took a cab to the airport and took her flight to Londong. As she landed at Heathrow the lobby televisions were just breaking in news of the tragic death Johnny Precada. It seems he had asphyxiated after going heavy on the deadly Fugu dish. "It is said that this is probably one of the most treacherous of most dishes, and every year many people die not knowing how strong the poison can be. The poison paralyzes the muscles while the victim stays fully conscious, and eventually dies from asphyxiation. Mr. Precada had just launched his first entreprenuerial venture after the invention of his new wireless technology which was all set to change the way the telecom industry worked. With Mr. Precada having tragically passed away the world is already wondering what will happen to his new venture, speculations are rife thatAircom Corp will be looking at buying the firm out."

Zarina looked at the tv and smiled, Burram Zohey had delivered again.